Special Variables

Last updated v0.1

This appendix details every special game or level variable used by the Lex Talionis engine. Normally, game and level variables are utilized by the game designer in events, but a special set of names are reserved by the engine for specific uses.


command type description

Game Variables

These variables are saved for the entirety of a given game.

_random_seed int The random seed used by the engine for combat RNG and random level ups. Automatically set to a number between 0 and 1023 upon creation of a “New Game”.

_next_level_nid Level (str) Internal to the engine; Do not modify yourself.

_goto_level Level (str) Set to the nid of the level you want to go to next. If not set, the engine will just move to the following level like normal. Reset upon the start of the next level. If set to _force_quit, game will end (and return to title screen) instead of moving to the following level.

_go_to_overworld_nid Overworld (str) Set to the nid of the overworld to go to next.

_current_turnwheel_uses int The number of uses of the turnwheel left in this level. Defaults to -1, which represents infinite uses. Automatically reset to _max_turnwheel_uses upon winning the a level.

_max_turnwheel_uses int The maximum number of uses of the turnwheel the player has access to. Defaults to -1, which represents infinite uses.

_convoy bool Set to True to give the player access to the convoy.

_turnwheel bool Set to True to give the player access to the turnwheel.

_supports bool Set to True to give the player access to support conversations and have characters gain support points.

_minimap bool Set to True to give the player access to the minimap. Set to False to remove player access of the minimap. Defaults to True.

_fatigue int Set to 0 to turn off fatigue. Set to 1 to have fatigue prevent unit from participating in a chapter. Set to 2 to have fatigue apply a Fatigued status when fatigue >= max fatigue and Rested when fatigue < max fatigue. Set to 3 to have the engine track fatigue but not do anything with it by default.

_prep_market bool Set to True to give the player access to the market in the prep screen.

_prep_music Music (str) Set this music as the background music in the prep screen. You don’t normally need to set this manually, since it is set by the prep event command.

_base_market bool Set to True to give the player access to the market in the base screen.

_base_bg_name Panorama (str) Load this panorama as the background in the base screen. You don’t normally need to set this manually, since it is set by the base event command.

_base_music Music (str) Set this music as the background music in the base screen. You don’t normally need to set this manually, since it is set by the base event command.

_phase_music_fade_ms int Number of milliseconds the phase music will take to fade in. Defaults to 400 ms.

_last_choice str Always holds the most recent choice made by the player from using the choice event command.

Level Variables

These variables are cleared after winning or losing the current level

_win_game bool Set to True to force the player to win the current level. Best practice is to just call the win_game event command, which does the same thing.

_lose_game bool Set to True to force the player to lose the current level. Best practice is to just call the lose_game event command, which does the same things.

_level_end_triggered bool Internal to the engine; Do not modify yourself.

_fog_of_war bool Determines whether there is a base fog of war

_fog_of_war_type int Defaults to 0 0 - Entire map is revealed, but enemy positions are masked (like in the GBA) 1 - Entire map is revealed, but enemy positions are masked (like in the GBA) (yes, these are identical for past compatibility reasons) 2 - Both map and enemy positions are masked (like in Thracia)

_fog_of_war_radius int The distance that player units will be able to see in the fog. Defaults to 0.

_ai_fog_of_war_radius int The distance that ai units will be able to see in the fog. If not set, defaults to _fog_of_war_radius

_other_fog_of_war_radius int The distance that other team units will be able to see in the fog. If not set, defaults to _ai_fog_of_war_radius

_prep_pick bool Set to True to enable “Pick Units” in the prep screen. You don’t normally need to set this manually, since it is set by the prep event command.

_prep_slots int Limits the number of units that can be brought to the level. Used only when you want to limit the number of player units to a number lower than the number of Formation tiles. Defaults to None.

_minimum_deployment int Must deploy at least this many units during the Prep Screen. If you have less units that this, must deploy all units.