Title Screen

In this section, we will change the default The Lion Throne title screen to the one used by the The Sacred Stones. Once you understand how to do that, changing the title menu to use your own custom images should be easy.

TitleScreen SacredStonesTitleScreen

There are four main components to the title screen that you can change.

  1. Logo

  2. Press Start Icon

  3. Background

  4. Attribution

Press Start


This works similarly. If you have a new Press Start animation you want to show, you can add the PNG file to the custom_sprites directory in your project’s resources. Make sure it’s named exactly press_start.png.




Switching out the background is also a simple affair. Open up the Panoramas editor and locate the title_background panorama. Delete it. Now you can import your own background. It can be a static background like Sacred Stones uses, or you can import several png files at the same time as long as they have numbers at the end of their filenames (like title_background0.png, title_background1.png, etc.)


On the bottom left hand corner of the title screen is the attribution. You can change what it says from within your project’s game_data/translations.json file.

        "nid": "_attribution",
        "text": "created by you"

If it’s not the last element in your json file, make sure you put a , at the end.


Now you can pull up the game and check out the new and improved title screen!
